In a nutshell, we chose the Apps that most customers had requested from us over many years. These are mostly the Apps that real customers have asked us to configure in our parent software product, the RecFind Product Suite, since it was first released in 2008.

When designing our new set of Really Useful Apps in the Cloud we tried to think of Apps that were cross-industry and in-demand by most private and government organizations. We were not targeting a particular vertical, we were targeting the needs of all businesses.

If anything, we were targeting small to medium businesses and small to medium departments in big business. This was because of our experience over many years dealing with smaller companies and departments that had very limited budgets and very limited IT expertise but normal application software requirements. We knew from long experience how difficult it was for these organizations to find the budget to fund the IT equipment, software, consultancy and training required to roll out a successful application. RF6-Cloud is our answer because it does away with all of these significant costs.

RF6-Cloud is a brand-new paradigm designed to bring sophisticated, scalable applications to any organization no matter how small. It works because we automated all of the processes and made the Apps available at a low cost, just dollars per month per user.

We innovated and we did all the hard work so our customers don’t have to. We provide the Apps, the training (free), the support (free) and all the online tools you need to upload and configure your data. We also take care of all IT requirements including hardware, systems and database software and even backups. RF6-Cloud represents the democratizing of application software.

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